Who is Quality Tribes and what is the Goal?

When you think of the word quality you can only think of one thing, excellence; it meets your desired expectations. It is always a process to find it. it may not be the best process, the looking but it is always worth it when you do end up finding it.

The desire for a tribe is a beautiful thing. In Hebrews 10:24-25 it says this, “and let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.”

The need for a quality tribe is urgent more than ever in the day that we are living in. We have been living in the last days since Jesus said it was finished on the cross and he ascended into Glory with His Father.

Quality Tribes is dedicated to creating spaces where all can come and know that this is where they will find their tribe, this is where they will be ignited by the love of God and have the confidence to go into their spaces and speak freedom and hope in Christ.

“we are here to bring honor and glory to God in all that we do and the only way how to do so is by knowing God, by walking with God and by spreading God’s name.

How do you know God if you don’t ask those RAW questions? How do you know His love for you if you don’t listen to His letter of love to you?

The disciples walked with Jesus. they didn't spread his name first. They didn’t know anything about him, they didn’t believe in Him. Before we spread His name we have to know him and walk with him and taste and see of his goodness and grace.

He has created us on purpose with a purpose. But if you don’t know him, and don’t know that he is your Creator, your Savior, and your King, how can you give your life to him, and give Him all the glory He is worth

Please ask us your RAW questions. We want to grow together, know God deeper, put our trust in Him more than we’ve ever down before, we want to see the population of Heaven increase.

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