May our Joy in Christ Echo

We ended Tuesday on this question, how will we be found when the Lord takes us home or when he returns for His bride? When the world looks at our life do they see Christ in us or do they see us just the same?

Today, my question for us all is this, “Is our joy inexpressible? Do you remember a moment in your life where you just could not put into words the joy you were experiencing? Are we overwhelmed by the grace and love God more than what the world is trying to offer us?” This world offers temporary satisfaction. Have we not had enough of it? Apparently not. The world sees our desperation for more. So they keep adding onto what they’ve already published. We see new updates, new house styles, new phones, new shoes and we just give them our money, time, praise, when all of that should be going into investing into the Kingdom of God.

Hear me out, I am not saying that the things of this world are bad to have, but it is bad when we loose contentment in what we have already gotten because something new just came out and you have to have it to be able to say and show that you have it, now this is called wanting attention, something that we shouldn’t desire to have but to give to the Lord because He is worthy to receive all our praise.

My husband loves cars, his dream car arena Audi 7 and an Aston Martin. I look at those cars and throw up at the price (I am giggling as I write this). But I know that His heart is not to give our families finances to buy a car that we can not afford for the sake of having it. As a family, we give our finances over to the Lord to use them as He desires, as he is the one who has given them to us to steward here on the earth, to invest, to act wisely with it, to share, to be hospitable with, and whatever else He desires for us to do with it.

You may be asking what does this have to do with the Title being ‘May Our Joy in Christ Echo’ and I am here to scream from the rooftop, it has everything to do with it. If we can scream from the rooftop when we get the next shiny new thing but aren’t quick to scream about what the love of God has done for us and the hope that we have because of what he did on the cross for us, then the question we should be asking ourselves is, do I really know what the God of the universe did for me? Is what He did for me not more praise worthy than what the world has given me, something that won’t last me eternity, that will break and will need to buy a new one, how is this world’s temporary things more praise worthy and how can it cause us more joy?

There is a joy that comes when you have followed in the will of God, when you are able to get the house, get the car, get the diploma, get married, have your kids, celebrate friends in your life that you see the Lord is leading and causing to flourish, even joy in enduring in the moments where it’s been so hard that quitting has never seen easier. I believe that the joy we have in Christ is what will keep us enduring, what will keep us remaining obedient, what will keep us from falling into temptation, because we know that He paid it all for us all so that we can live. He paid it all so we can represent him to the lost world, that before their last breath they would repent and turn to God.

May our joy in life be in Christ not in anything else.

We await glory.

We await seeing the fullness of God.

We await to sit at the table with God for eternity.

We await no more sorrow, no more pain.

We get to live in a time where as we read in 1 Peter 1:12, “into which the angels long to look.” We get to live out the Bible in such a way where they are not, they get the joy to already be in the presence of God, what we long for. They have been with him since the beginning. We are seeing the Bible continue to come alive everyday, seeing prophecy be fulfilled. Oh the day, if we are still here, of seeing Jesus come riding in on the white horse and saving his bride and bringing us home!




Holiness is our calling


At the revelation of Jesus Christ how will you be found?