It is time to get up.

In a world filled with so much passion, anger, jealousy, wealth, no wealth, fear, anxiety and so much more, sometimes we don’t even know how we got to be where we are emotionally, not talking physically or spiritually or mentally right now because we will get there trust me.

I want to sincerely ask and sit in the question with you, how did we get to where we are emotionally? And bravely ask, why do we continue to sit in it when we know that it doesn’t feel right, or maybe your on the side of, ‘my feeling are valid and it is why I will stay in this unless something changes.’ But my question to you today is, what if nothing ever changes? Maybe the emotions you have are because you’ve been disappointed, mistreated, used, led on, left in the dust with no excuse or reasoning and now you're fending for yourself. There are so many reasons.

I am here to tell you that your feelings are valid and I do not want to dismiss any of them but I do want to encourage with this, we are not in heaven yet. We are still here on this imperfect world where we are trying to all get by, we are trying to choose the right routes to take, but we will always be hit with a trial, disappointment, struggle. It is biblical. It was never meant to be this way, it was supposed to be perfect. But when sin entered the world everything was sadly messed up.

Take time and Read Genesis 2:15-18

What was the first not to command God told Adam?

“You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die.” - Genesis 2:16-17


Just imagine being in the garden of Eden right now. Why would we want anything less than perfect. There was no pain, no fear; especially seeing all the animals, there was no anxiety, depression, tears, there was only peace. A peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

Ask yourself today are you freely feasting on Christ? Are you wasting your freedom on things that are not at all healthy to not just your physical body but your emotional and spiritual. We must be careful on how we use our time.

Why are we surprised when our mind wanders into things that we know are not helping but hurting, not just ourselves but those around us.


She wanted to know what it felt like to be God, she wanted to feel what it was like to know all, see all, and do all. Her feelings got in the drivers seat and took off and then gave some to her husband to have which made him fall into disobedience to God.


This might sound off to you but hear me out. When I was in college, my emotions were all over the place. You can ask my best friend, I was a rollercoaster with no brakes. But it all stemmed from a place of rejection, “feeling” less than, and not good enough. Those three can take you anywhere. It took me almost to my grave. My feelings led me to get kicked off the basketball team my senior year, it led me to stealing because I wanted to be seen as someone who had money, it led me to buying pills to lose weight so that some guy can like me and maybe even have friends, it led me to the hospital bed where doctors couldn’t see how I was still alive with a heart rate that was death level.

At this point I still called myself a believer in Jesus, but my actions were not in alignment with His word and what He says, his disciples are too look like. (more on this later)

Unfortunately, I was far from him, and not just far but separated. It was quiet until He spoke. He was calling me back to himself. He was calling me back to true communion with him. He wanted me to give him all my feelings, my thoughts, my desires and walk in the knowing of who He was and what He has done thus far for me and those around me.


Our feelings our valid but should not control us. Our desire should be to be in step with Christ by the power of His Holy Spirit.

  • 'But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. ' —John 14:26

  • 'You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him. ' —Romans 8:9

  • 'Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body.' —1 Corinthians 6:19-20


  1. Who or what are you letting emotionally lead you?

  2. There is always someone watching your life, what do they see? Someone who is following the way of the life of Jesus or the way of this world?

  3. How am I honoring God with the life he chose to give me?


Why is it time to get up